Wednesday, March 07, 2007

So i completed my essay :final count abt 1477 words or so.

I wish more single and ard my age girls would join Uni SIM next yr. Now's just a damm sad case. Everybody (male and shemale/females) are all at LEAST 5 yrs older than me. Most have the nice little perfect ring on their 3rd finger. thinks me going to be single for the year 2007 .

i'm trying to remember what i was suppose to blog. but it keeps on slipping my mind. I know it was a conversation i had with yh... ah well nvm, i'm sure it would appear soon.

I noticed most of the girls i've tried dating/dated names all starts with "M". Let's go with their intials: MB (infatuation i admit), MC (failure), MS (utter complete failure), MT (on-going but doesn't seem that good now).

Notice the 2nd initial is going down the alphabetical order? so if MT doesn't work out..i still have the letters : U, V,W,X,Y,Z. So i still have chance anyway. After MZ (if there is one) i wonder what the next initials will be. do some pple make going out on a date sound so simple and easy. Just call the girl and viola! date done and settled.

Ah well since friday's a day i can't have the date, i might as well put it to good use shopping a birthday gift for my little cute nephew. I just wish he would stop trying to lick my arm everytime he sees me. It's fun for him..but i don't think my arm or his tongue is that clean. He's this little tiny meatball that's so cute to carry and cuddle.

That's the thing with little kids. They dun store their energy like adults do. They run all the way play with all their energy for 2-3hrs. After that: bo energy= 3-4hrs sleep. They are so cute when they are sleeping. Nothing can wake them up...(at least nobody's stupid enuff to face off with a grumpy crying baby).

Btw hx..wat's the point of setting up an album in the BC site but leaving it empty? go post some pics lah! Be like will, a good member who posts pics up.

Btw, i've decided to upgrade ivan. Instead of Slave IVan i shall now call him my associate underling. (a servant to the crown, which could also mean a nobleman) sounds better? or u guys think i shld still refer him to as the SLAVE ? .

Like yh ivan and william say, i shld get to know more girls. I'm just straggering from 1 failure to another and a drunken man.

ALE!! MORE ALE!! Make it wine. wine more refined.


Senor_Hybrido said...

MZ? Z might be zhou! zhou might be someone from China! And then after the divorce the next one will be NA! Probably would mean Non-Applicable. Cos the China bitch would have ripped all your money clean from the bank/home and leave only your underwear as your only property.

And I hate little kids like those u mentioned. I always choke on their bones.

There are ways to know more girls. Like sucking up to hx LOL. Or get to know ivan's gf. One girl may lead to another. Like I said many times before, "all roads lead to sex."

LOL the above para doesn't help at all!

Anonymous said...

Haha...something interesting about the girls you tried to date / dated you got there but when have you dated a meaning of dated is literally having a gf like what Ivan is going through now!
I have been trying to update my photos(I mean not photos of me) but to no avail...will try some other time when I am free la...don't worry..but I don't really have that many photos!
