Thursday, March 15, 2007

Gosh it's been 5 days since i've blogged. I see that gh commented on his lousy rk playing.

Let's refute his comments.
1) i left his lane after dying with him and he asked me to leave him to solo. (we were lvl 3-4). Wah liao, dun blame me for ur lousy skills lor. Pfft...str hero can die so many times against ax..lousy...

2) Gh die die sucks at rk. i've not played a winning game when he plays rk with us. He just can't take criticism. He can scold ivan for playing badly but he himself can't get scolded. Lousy player at RK. even if he wants to practise rk, dying mutliple times in multiple games shld give u a hint that the hero isnt suited for u bah.
thank god he's at least good at sandking and maybe sa or bh.

Now to other matters:

everytime i think of hongxin as a pastor the image of Genjo Sanzo pops into mind. For the ignorant pple: He's a monk in the jap anime Gensomaiden Saiyuki. A monk that carrys & uses a gun(killing demons and threatening pple), smokes & drinks. (dun think he chases after girls). For hongxin, i picture him wearing a black robe, carrying a huge double bladed ax. Drinks a bit and chasing after girls and bullying the weak and defenceless. haha.

and now i shall wait a few days for gh's expected outburst and his comments after he reads this post. Take it this way gh, once u know how lousy u r in rk, maybe it will spur u to quit dota. (sigh...thinks this will be too much to hope for, chalks up GH's name in the noobshit list, haha).

btw i've quitted dota liao. Only play if pple ask me.

EDIT: Maybe Gh's just getting old. u know the peak for lan games is the age of 17-21. saw it in a documentary. his poor fingers prob can't take the strain of pressing the hotkeys anymore. omg..what happens if he's also going dota senile? he didn't remember he was the one that killed william's chicken in the last game too... IT's always so sad when we lost such players. HAHAHAH!!! 1 foot in the dota grave. Here's lies GH..Former king of ks...died of "old" age. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!


Senor_Hybrido said...

since pastor teo speaks mandarin more than japanese(which is basically never), he should be compared with Jigong!

Similar to your description, you'd see him wear that black dirty rag of a robe, indulge in alcohol and chase after girls. Oh yes, and don't forget that monk's cap or hat or whatever. Though he won't bully the weak and defenceless, he'll sell you his dead skin, which he rubs into marble-sized pills from any parts of his body, as a panacea. And you'll have to swallow it cos he'll summon his magical gourd and drown you in wine if you don't.

Drowning in wine may sound like a good way to die to you, but I'd rather drown in pussies.

ur quitting dota????! OMG then what the heck have u been doing all these times? Offline/AFK so dam often! Stop jerking off so much. Once daily is enough! :P

Anonymous said...

But the problem is can he wank? i seriously doubt his identity as a guy! lol..