Wednesday, June 20, 2007


wanted to blog abt this sometime back but kept on being put off/forgotten etc etc

It's abt NAMES names for schools, movies etc etc

anyway some time back saw this sch besides ACS (barker) called Chinese UNITE! talk abt promoting racial unity huh? A few weeks later or maybe a month or 2, saw that the name had changed to Chinese International. Damm...i wanted to take a photo of Chinese Unite! Bet the poor bugger who thought up of that name is jobless now.

Now on to movies. Don't know who was the wise guy who did the advertising for these shows on TCS. (is it still called TCS? i know it's not it now called media corp? ah frag it) Presenting the SHOWS :

1) Skeleton Man
2) Snake Man
3) Mosquito Man
4) *some equally lame animal i can't remember* Man

and i thought Snake Vs Boa was the lamest i've seen so far but oh still continues to surprise me. Those pple that acted in such F grade movies must be pretty desperate for money.

And speaking of names..u do know during graduation at University, u are arranged according to your surname? So say CHEONG *WARNING WARNING! PLS ACTIVATE ANTI EGO SHIELDS* (a truly wonderful and magnificiant surname i must say, those pple are truly blessed with great looks wisdoms and character) , would be one of the early pple to get scolls. Hongs are in the middle etc. BUT pple like TEOs, TANGs, TANs and YAUs would be suffering slow slow slow waits at the back.*

*disclosure: this does not refer explicitly to any pple with the above mentioned surnames. All referrences to the dead of living are PURELY CONCIDENTAL and made with NO intention of poking fun at pple. (cue) = evil laughter *

Anyway now i'm really making use of my space on the laptop. Taken the SUPER long task of downloading all the prince of tennis episodes (minus those i alrdy have) = 26GB. Probably take me the rest of the month to dl it.


Senor_Hybrido said...

1) Skeleton Man
2) Snake Man
3) Mosquito Man
4) *some equally lame animal i can't remember* Man

and i thought Snake Vs Boa was the lamest i've seen so far but oh well...

dun forget the ultimate: "SNAKES ON A PLANE"

Pwns all your 1-4!!

and abt ur anime.. prolly no generous seeds.

Anonymous said...

Cheong - a truly wonderful and magnificiant surname i must say, those pple are truly blessed with great looks wisdoms and character

With exceptions from Mr Victor Cheong Kah Peng

Senor_Hybrido said...

lets not forget that being the first in any lists is not always the best., like in a foreign language module, there r oral tests...

Suggested sequel to Snakes on a Plane: Piranhas on the Escalator